How to Put Slipcovers on a Couch: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Admin Mar 5, 2024 #Slipcovers

Slipcovers are a great way to give your old couch a fresh new look without having to spend a fortune on a new one. They also offer protection against spills, stains, and wear and tear. However, putting slipcovers on a couch can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done it before. But fear not, with the right tools and techniques, you can easily transform your couch with a slipcover in no time. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of putting slipcovers on a couch, step by step.

Invest in a Perfect Fit

The first and most important step in putting slipcovers on a couch is to invest in a slipcover that fits your couch perfectly. A well-fitted slipcover not only looks better but also stays in place and provides better protection for your couch. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect fit:

Measure Your Couch

Before purchasing a slipcover, make sure to measure your couch accurately. Start by measuring the width of your couch from one armrest to the other. Then measure the depth from the back of the couch to the front. Finally, measure the height from the floor to the top of the back cushions. These measurements will help you determine the size of the slipcover you need.

Consider the Style of Your Couch

Different styles of couches require different types of slipcovers. For example, a T-cushion couch will need a slipcover with a separate cover for the cushions, while a box cushion couch will require a one-piece slipcover. Make sure to choose a slipcover that is designed specifically for your couch style to ensure a perfect fit.

Choose the Right Fabric

When it comes to slipcovers, the fabric plays a crucial role in both the look and functionality. If you have pets or children, opt for a durable and stain-resistant fabric like cotton or polyester. If you want a more elegant look, consider a slipcover made of velvet or suede. It is also important to choose a fabric that is machine washable for easy maintenance.

Prepare Your Couch

Now that you have your slipcover ready, it’s time to prepare your couch for the transformation. Here are some steps to follow:

Clean Your Couch

Before putting on a slipcover, make sure to clean your couch thoroughly. Remove any crumbs, dust, or pet hair using a vacuum cleaner. You can also use a lint roller to get rid of any stubborn debris. If your couch has any stains, spot clean them with a mild detergent and let it dry completely before proceeding.

Remove Loose Cushions

If your couch has loose cushions, remove them before putting on the slipcover. This will make the process easier and ensure a better fit. You can also take this opportunity to fluff up the cushions and reshape them if needed.

Smooth Out Any Wrinkles

If your couch has any wrinkles or creases, smooth them out using your hands or a steamer. This will help the slipcover fit better and give your couch a neater appearance.

Master the Arms

The arms of a couch can be tricky to cover with a slipcover, but with the right technique, you can achieve a seamless look. Here’s how:

Start from the Bottom

Begin by draping the slipcover over one arm of the couch, starting from the bottom. Make sure the slipcover is centered and hangs evenly on both sides.

Tuck in the Excess Fabric

Next, tuck in the excess fabric along the bottom of the armrest. You can use a ruler or your fingers to push the fabric into the crevices for a snug fit.

Secure with Pins or Ties

If your slipcover comes with ties or pins, use them to secure the fabric in place. If not, you can use safety pins or fabric tape to keep the slipcover from shifting.

Drape and Tuck

The next step is to drape and tuck the slipcover over the back of the couch. This will give your couch a clean and polished look. Here’s how:

Drape the Slipcover

Start by draping the slipcover over the back of the couch, making sure it hangs evenly on both sides. You can also use a steamer to smooth out any wrinkles or creases.

Tuck in the Excess Fabric

Next, tuck in the excess fabric along the back of the couch. You can use a ruler or your fingers to push the fabric into the crevices for a snug fit.

Secure with Pins or Ties

Just like with the arms, use pins or ties to secure the fabric in place. Make sure to tuck in any loose ends for a neat finish.

Smoothen the Fabric

Now that the slipcover is draped and tucked, it’s time to smoothen out any wrinkles or bumps. This step is crucial for achieving a professional-looking finish. Here’s how:

Use Your Hands

Start by using your hands to smooth out any wrinkles or bumps on the fabric. Gently pull the fabric in different directions until it lays flat and looks even.

Use a Steamer

If there are still some stubborn wrinkles, use a steamer to get rid of them. Hold the steamer about 6 inches away from the fabric and move it back and forth until the wrinkles disappear.

Adjust as Needed

If you notice any areas that need more tucking or smoothing, make the necessary adjustments before moving on to the next step.

Secure the Excess

To ensure that the slipcover stays in place, it is important to secure any excess fabric. Here’s how:

Use Elastic Straps

Some slipcovers come with elastic straps that can be attached to the bottom of the couch to keep the fabric from shifting. If your slipcover doesn’t have these straps, you can purchase them separately and attach them yourself.

Use Safety Pins

If your slipcover doesn’t have elastic straps, you can use safety pins to secure the fabric in place. Simply pin the excess fabric to the underside of the couch for a snug fit.

Use Fabric Tape

Another option is to use fabric tape to secure the excess fabric. This is a great alternative to safety pins as it won’t damage your couch or the slipcover.

Perfect the Seat Cushions

The seat cushions are often the most used part of a couch, so it’s important to make sure they are well-fitted and secured. Here’s how:

Place the Slipcover Over the Cushions

Start by placing the slipcover over the seat cushions, making sure it is centered and hangs evenly on both sides.

Tuck in the Excess Fabric

Next, tuck in the excess fabric along the sides and back of the cushions. You can use a ruler or your fingers to push the fabric into the crevices for a snug fit.

Secure with Pins or Ties

Use pins or ties to secure the fabric in place. Make sure to tuck in any loose ends for a neat finish.

Tackle the Back Cushions

The back cushions are usually the trickiest part to cover with a slipcover. But with the right technique, you can achieve a seamless look. Here’s how:

Start from the Bottom

Begin by draping the slipcover over one back cushion, starting from the bottom. Make sure the slipcover is centered and hangs evenly on both sides.

Tuck in the Excess Fabric

Next, tuck in the excess fabric along the bottom of the cushion. You can use a ruler or your fingers to push the fabric into the crevices for a snug fit.

Secure with Pins or Ties

Use pins or ties to secure the fabric in place. Make sure to tuck in any loose ends for a neat finish.

Pay Attention to Details

To achieve a professional-looking finish, it’s important to pay attention to small details. Here are some tips to help you perfect your slipcover:

Smooth Out Any Wrinkles

Make sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bumps on the fabric using your hands or a steamer. This will give your slipcover a polished look.

Tuck in Any Loose Ends

Check for any loose ends or excess fabric and tuck them in for a neat finish. This will also prevent the slipcover from shifting.

Adjust as Needed

If you notice any areas that need more tucking or smoothing, make the necessary adjustments before moving on to the next step.

Finishing Touches

Now that your slipcover is in place, it’s time to add some finishing touches to make it look even better. Here are some ideas:

Add Decorative Pillows

Adding decorative pillows can not only make your couch look more stylish but also help keep the slipcover in place. Choose pillows that complement the color and style of your slipcover for a cohesive look.

Use a Throw Blanket

A throw blanket can add texture and warmth to your couch while also helping to keep the slipcover in place. Drape it over the back of the couch or fold it neatly on one side for a cozy touch.

Style with a Rug

Placing a rug under your couch can not only protect your floors but also add a pop of color and texture. Choose a rug that complements the color and style of your slipcover for a cohesive look.


Putting slipcovers on a couch may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done easily and quickly. Remember to invest in a perfect fit, prepare your couch, master the arms, drape and tuck, smoothen the fabric, secure the excess, perfect the seat cushions, tackle the back cushions, pay attention to details, and add some finishing touches for a professional-looking finish. With these tips, you can transform your old couch into a brand new piece of furniture in no time.

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By Admin

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